ChainLink SRM is the result of nearly twenty years of business process automation consulting in multiple industries across both private and public sectors. It is the culmination of a product engineering background in B2B communications, a passion for business process, and an evident need for deeper supply chain visibility and collaboration between partner organizations.
Our company was originally founded in 2005 by Doug Erwin, our CEO, as a consulting organization with a focus in developing and supporting cross-department business process workflow applications for enterprise companies. In 2020, the global supply chain was broken as the global pandemic revealed weaknesses in supply chain management that had been hiding just under the surface. As we began to try to understand what was happening, it became clear that many of the supply chain visibility and collaboration issues that companies were dealing with could be resolved through custom, collaborative B2B workflows. Thus ChainLink SRM was born by combining process, collaboration, and actionable information to create a single source of truth for all supply chain activities across all departments and divisions within your business.
Our mission with ChainLink SRM is to provide a single platform for all supply chain management activities and use that to support enhanced supplier relationship management. We accomplish this mission by leveraging custom solutions within the ChainLink SRM platform to solve complex business problems and provide real time supply chain visibility through collaboration.
We deliver custom, enterprise-level B2B collaboration and data consolidation solutions for Supply Chain communications. We strive to ensure that our solutions are cost effective, easy to use, and easy to maintain while demonstrating the highest levels of quality and customer service. We firmly believe that out-of-the box technology solutions are not sufficient to solve complex supply chain problems, so we do the work of understanding your business process and building the technology to support it rather than conforming your processes to fit the technology. Our goal is to become not only a strategic technology provider, but a trusted advisor.